Album release show in Vancouver

We’re gonna be rolling out tour dates for our cross-country adventure in a couple of days. The album is on it’s way too, you’re going to hear it very soon. Just to keep things interesting, we’re not going to tell you the official release date. We’ll be all like “BAM!” and you just won’t know what hit ya.

If the address of that Vancouver show is too cryptic for you, just drop a little note to, subject line “Not a cop!” See you there!!!

Hello and Thank you

Our IndieGogo campaign is all wrapped up now. Y’all contributed more than we were hoping for and we are very touched and very grateful! We have finished tracking and now the new, yet to be titled album is going for … Continued

New Album Fundraiser Tour

We’ve been pretty quiet since we got back from Europe but don’t think we haven’t been hard at work. We’ve got about a dozen new tunes rarin to go. We just need a little cash to make them happen. In … Continued

Travis and his dumb leg

Travis the motocross superstar and drummer extraordinaire thought he’d just do some stunt riding and then go play punk rock, NBD. Well after hanging out in the surgeon’s office all day wracked with pain it turns out that’s just not … Continued